Whilst we are very excited to soon be returning to group sessions, rides and clubs, we understand that we are not completely out of the woods yet and ask you to follow guidance given by the Government and British Cycling.
Current restrictions mean you are permitted to cycle, and we would encourage you to do so, while following these rules:
You should only ride alone, with your household/support bubble or one other person.
Stay local, ride within your limits and ensure you are self-sufficient.
Leave the house to exercise only once each day.
Keep a safe distance from others and practice good respiratory hygiene (i.e., no spitting, use a tissue).
You can only leave your home to exercise, and not for the purpose of leisure (such as a picnic or a coffee break).
If you need to travel, such as to work or go to the shops, you are encouraged to cycle where possible.
The government’s roadmap out of lockdown document sets out proposed relaxations to restrictions in England on or after 29 March. These include allowing groups of up to six people, or two households, to meet outdoors.
It is also indicated that organised sports can restart and will not be subject to the rule of six gathering limit, however, should be compliant with guidance issued by national governing bodies.
It is our intention to update our advice in the week commencing 22 March to confirm whether the proposed changes are coming into effect on 29 March or at a later date; however, subject to confirmation, we hope that group rides of up to six people (or two families) can restart in England on 29 March.
The organised sports exemption would also appear to permit larger group rides; however, we await further guidance, which we expect to receive on or shortly after 22 March. Once that guidance has been received, we will then be able to clarify the possibility of group rides of more than six people under the organised sports exemption.